Okay, it's time for a little redecorating around here. Now that I have oodles of time on my hands in the evening, I'm going to try and dress the place up a bit. New lay-out, new masthead, etc, etc. It will take some time because I'm not very familiar with my design software, Pixelmater. So don't expect a new look over night. It'll likely be an ongoing process over the next month.
The reason I bring it up now is that something has been nagging at me. When I first put this blog up I tossed two names back and forth before I finally settled on The Toby Show. Now I'm having second thoughts and I'd love to get your opinion. If I'm going to change the name, now is the time to do it.
Now I know I have a ton more regular readers than just the handful of folks who are comfortable commenting, so rather than ask for comments on this one, I've installed a poll widget. See it up there in the upper right sidebar? It's totally anonymous, I can't track you by your answer (or if I can, I have no idea how), and it's perfectly safe. Please help me out here.
So, a little background on the two names.
THE TOBY SHOW - A Toby Show is an early American theatrical form. They were performed in tents all over the country and always starred a lovable but dopey redhead named Toby. Get it? Toby used common sense to get one over on the city folks and always saved the day. Toby Show's usually included other acts as well, a little of this and a little of that, but the Toby play was the main feature. Admittedly, this reference is quite obscure. Most people don't know what the heck A Toby Show is since they haven't really traveled the country since the 1930's. Still, it's cute. I'm a redhead from Texas who has lived all over. I try to take a common sense approach to the world and I flit around on a variety of topics--green, food, kids, etc. Makes sense, but only if you know what the heck A Toby Show is in the first place! If you don't, the name of the blog doesn't tell you jack about this place and you probably think me or my kid is named Toby.
SLOBBER - Lot's a meaning here. Slobber is a word everyone knows and uses in a variety of ways. Slobber is what I often feel like I'm doing when I write--just running off at the mouth, as my dad says. Slobber also what Huck and Blue Car will be doing on me for many years to come. It has a parenting blog feel to it for that becasue we think of kids slobbering. Slobber is also what I tend to do over certain, foods, crafts, products and green ideas that I think are cool and then bring here to show you. Slobber is also a silly word with a humorous connotation that seems appropriate for a blog where I spill out my thoughts and words.
3 important things to keep in mind.
1. I need honestly, so if you don't particularly like either name or think neither one really captures the vibe here. Tell me! I want to know. Maybe I'll think of something else.
2. I'm also planning to try out an Etsy shop soon--beanbags, napkins, art smocks, handmade toys, kid stuff and houseware. Ideally, I would like to use the same name to help create more synergistic traffic between the blog and the shop. It's not a necessity that they both be called the same thing but it would make thing easy.
3. If you have a particularly strong feeling or reasoning about either name, please leave a comment, too. I'd like to know your thinking on this as much as possible.
Thank you so much for your help with this, folks. I really appreciate it.
You'll find the poll in the sidebar for the rest of the week.