Outside the realm of a real medical or family emergency, there is nothing worse in this world than waking up to a house covered with dog diarrhea.
Add to that a hungry toddler running around, and the fact that you're pregnant and you can't stop for a moment and have a giant cup of coffee to settle your nerves before you have to tackle the toxic waste cleanup, and you have the makings of a very, very angry woman.
The main floor of our house is hardwood and the basement is laminate flooring so you'd think it wouldn't be that bad. I mean, except for a couple of area rugs, only the stairway to the basement
and the bedrooms are carpeted.
Still...somehow...miraculously...Taxi managed to hit
every carpeted surface in the house.
The living room rug, the entry hall rug, the upstairs bedroom carpet, the stairway to the basement. It's almost as if he moved from carpet to carpet on purpose and held it over the hard floors. I mean, if you've got diarrhea in the first place, you might as well stand on something soft and comfy, right.
The truth is I feel really bad for the poor guy. He tried to tell me but I just didn't get it. I had already been up twice in the night because the cat kept bringing terrified critters into the house. First he brought in a moth the size of a croissant. But I was able to nab him in a dirty dishtowel, pitch him out the back door and get back to sleep fairly quickly. Then later, he brought in a mouse. Fortunately, I'm not scared of buggy, vernminy type things. Even so, chasing a hysterical (and damn fast) mouse around my bedroom at 3am is not my idea of a good time. I never did catch the little bastard. He finally got out of the bedroom and under the bench in the entry hall and I gave up. We live in the country, mice are a fact of life. But it took me another hour to go to sleep. Every light in the house was on and I'd just spent a half hour running around like a manic. I was wide awake. So when Taxi started whining at 5am I was not in the mood. Plus, I honestly thought he was just wigged out about the mouse still being...somewhere. Was I ever wrong.
The product that saved the day was BAC-OUT by BioKleen. It's all natural and biodegradable and I couldn't even believe what a great job this stuff did. I've been using it for years but just never had such a big job before. I was skeptical that anything short of moving would actually solve the stain and odor problems. Well, BAC-OUT got out the odors everywhere and the stains everywhere except for the light beige carpet upstairs. And even that is not too bad.
The only thing it hasn't really done a great job on is the jute rug in the entry hall. That may be a total goner. I'm still working on it and assessing. I even broke down and started working with a toothbrush--Blech. It's much better than it was, but the fibers are just so coarse and so deep. We'll see.
These are some of the really small spots. I didn't want to scare anyone off.
Needless to say, it was not the perfect start to the perfect day. Make sure you have this BAC-OUT stuff on hand in case you ever wake up to a morning like mine.
Oh. And if anyone knows the secret for getting dog shit out of a jute rug, email me would ya? I mean surely the Mongolians dealt with yak poo on their coarse fiber textiles, right? There must be a method out there somewhere.