Welcome Crafty Crow readers!
I haven't done this in a while, but I recently made another little game for Huck. Only basic drawing and coloring skills are needed for this. And the ability to use a hole-puncher.
Black Pen
Crayons, Markers or Colored Pencils
Hole Puncher
Book Rings
You'll also need some small items to sequence. I bought this tub of fruit from Discount School Supplies. They have them in safari animals, bugs, etc. I thought fruit would be the easiest to draw. I wish they'd had veggies instead--I could have made some hay out of that. You could also use colored buttons but these soft "counters" as they're called can be used for lots of fun math-based games later on, too.
Cut out the size pages you want, and put 2 or 3 holes across the top of each page. Now draw various different sequences of the items on each page. I did about 20 pages ad you can always add more. Start with sequences of 3 or 4 items. Color them in. Bind the pages together with the book rings and decorate the cover of the "book." Easy Peasy.
Right now Huck's just matching the fruit to the picture. At some point I'll show him how he can duplicate the sequence he sees on the page, with the fruit on a separate blank page or surface. Then, farther down the road, he can try to continue the sequence. So, if the picture is orange-banana-orange-banana, he can decide what whould come next in the sequence...orange-banana
He's been playing this daily and really loves it.
For more simple games and toys for kids check out my Cheap & Easy Series.
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