You know, there are certain things that I just can't wait for Huck to be the right age for. I can't wait until we can read a chapter each night from big books like Charlotte's Web, The Princess Bride and Treasure Island. I can't wait until he's old enough to see The Wizard of Oz (some might say that at 3 he's already there but I'm not willing to risk Flying Monkey nightmares quite yet). And I can't wait until he's old enough to use Ed Emberley drawing books.
This is my actual book from when I was a girl.
I loved my Ed Emberley books so much and I was incredibly thrilled to find my Drawing Book of Animals in a box of children's books my mom saved. Thanks, Mom.
Funprints is another one of Ed's brilliant books that I remember fondly. I loved it so much that when I saw a copy at my local bookstore, Dark Horse Books, I bought it even though Huck was only 2 at the time.
I've been twiddling my thumbs for over a year and I finally showed it to him a few days ago even though he's really still too young to make anything quite this small and detailed. Still, he loved the idea and was charmed by all the little critters. He'll grow into it. And in the meantime, he's plenty old enough to make other neat things with finger and thumb prints.
After we looked at the book I cut out this tree for him to decorate. I was thinking he'd cover it with fingerprint leaves but Huck said he wanted to make apples. Perfect!
This is my actual book from when I was a girl.
I loved my Ed Emberley books so much and I was incredibly thrilled to find my Drawing Book of Animals in a box of children's books my mom saved. Thanks, Mom.
Note to self: Put away favorite books in a special box for each of my kids and give them back when they are old enough to appreciate, cherish and share them with their own children.
The idea behind all of his books is that you can draw anything by just putting together basic shapes and lines. He really breaks drawing down to basic building blocks and makes it very fun.Funprints is another one of Ed's brilliant books that I remember fondly. I loved it so much that when I saw a copy at my local bookstore, Dark Horse Books, I bought it even though Huck was only 2 at the time.
I've been twiddling my thumbs for over a year and I finally showed it to him a few days ago even though he's really still too young to make anything quite this small and detailed. Still, he loved the idea and was charmed by all the little critters. He'll grow into it. And in the meantime, he's plenty old enough to make other neat things with finger and thumb prints.
After we looked at the book I cut out this tree for him to decorate. I was thinking he'd cover it with fingerprint leaves but Huck said he wanted to make apples. Perfect!