This is a recipe I've been making since Huck was a baby and my family still loves it. I created this as a way to get more greens into our diet and it has had the added effect of keeping Huck from being one of those kids who flips out over any tiny piece of green in his food. Now don't get me wrong, the kid is not a champion veggie eater. He turns his nose up at plenty and pitches his fair share of dinner table fits, but he is just not freaked out by green bits and he will eat spinach in just about anything. I credit starting him on these eggs as a baby.

Eggs ala Mommy
5 Eggs
Parmesan Cheese, approx 1/4 cup but really as much as you want
Chopped Baby Spinach, approx 1/2 cup but really as much as you want
Turmeric, a couple of shakes
Whisk eggs and milk for scrambled eggs as you normally would. This recipe is for 5 eggs which is what I make for Huck, Jemima and myself. I'm not usually very specific about measurements with this. aI generally go by the look in the pan. This is what mine looks like.

Melt butter in pan, add scrambled egg mixture, add spinach, parm, pepper and tumeric. Using Parmesan means you don't need any added salt. If you substitute another kind of cheese, add a little salt to taste. Scramble & Serve
Don't be scared off by the Turmeric in this recipe. It's really just enough to give a slight earthy flavor and Turmeric is one of those wonderful spices, like cinnamon, that imparts all kinds of health benefits. It's regularly included in articles and list like The 11 Best Foods You Aren't Eating and this is a great easy way to get a bit more of it into your diet.
With toast and jam and a side of bacon or country sausage we eat this for dinner almost as much as for breakfast.